Time for an Update: Breaking Free from Old Patterns (and Getting Stuff Done!)
Warning: Vulnerability ahead. I’m not holding anything back. If you’ve ever felt stuck or doubted yourself, this one’s for you.
Let’s start with the obvious: I’ve been struggling. If you’ve read my previous posts (here, here, and here for context), you’ll know that motivation hasn’t exactly been my strong suit lately.
To be honest, it’s a recurring theme in my life. When things start to feel challenging - when it’s time to stop learning and start implementing - I hit a wall. And by "hit a wall," I mean I shut down completely.
Netflix runs. My productivity? Not so much.
It’s a frustrating cycle I’ve repeated more times than I care to admit. I know it happens. I see it happening. Yet, for some reason, I haven’t been able to stop it. It’s like watching Wile E. Coyote run off a cliff: you know what’s coming next, but you can’t stop gravity.
Am I Alone in This?
Do you ever feel like this too? Like everyone else has life figured out while you’re spinning your wheels? Rationally, I know I’m not the only one, but some days, it sure feels that way. Social media doesn’t help either - everyone’s highlight reel makes it seem like they’re crushing it while you’re just... not.
Years ago, when I first dipped my toes into online marketing, I hit rock bottom. I stayed locked in my room under the guise of "learning", but in reality, I wasn’t doing much of anything. I believed I was unworthy, unloved, and destined for failure.
I convinced myself that everyone else had their life together, and I was the only one floundering. It was paralyzing, humiliating (even though no one knew), and left me feeling utterly useless.
But here’s the thing: I hated it. So, I decided to do something - anything - different.
Small Changes, Big Impact
Last week, I tried a little experiment. Feeling utterly stuck at home, I packed up my laptop and headed to the local library.

- I wasn’t getting anything done at home.
- The library has air conditioning (because Aussie heatwaves are no joke).
I spent about two and a half hours there. Not a full day, but guess what? I got more done in those two hours than I had in the last two months.
I finally published my first Facebook lead ad, got it approved, and even tackled some other tasks I’d been avoiding. Simple things, sure, but the sense of accomplishment? Priceless.
Have you ever tried changing your scenery to shake things up? It’s weirdly effective. If you’re feeling stuck, grab your to-do list and head somewhere new - a library, a café, a park. You might be surprised at how much you can get done.
Another Experiment: Beer and Blogging

A couple of days later, I tried another experiment. I was meeting a mate for a beer at the local sports club, so I went early, armed with my laptop and iPad. In the corner, under the glorious hum of the aircon, I knocked out a 9,000+ word blog post on The Hero’s Journey (read it here).
For the first time in this online marketing adventure of mine (which, let’s be honest, has looked a lot like a Roadrunner cartoon), I felt like I was making real progress. It felt amazing.
So now, I’ve decided to make this a regular thing. Three to four times a week, I’ll head to a library, café, or even a sports club to get work done. I’ve also cleared out a space at home to create a dedicated workspace. Let’s see how this little experiment evolves.
The Facebook Lead Ad Saga
Now for the second update: my Facebook lead ad. I published it last Friday, and by Thursday, I had six leads. Six people had downloaded my free ebook, Making Money Online – Avoiding the Pitfalls (grab your copy here).
Not bad for a start, right? Well, not according to my inner perfectionist. I had expected 20–30 leads, and focusing on that "shortfall" completely overshadowed the fact that I had six new leads I didn’t have before. Classic me.
After chatting with my coach, we adjusted the audience settings and republished the ad. But… nothing. Zero clicks. Zero leads. It was like Wile E. Coyote off a cliff again - except this time, no trampoline waiting at the bottom.

After another call with my coach, we rewrote the ad copy, tweaked the audience again, and republished it. She also made me promise to check the results once a day and stop obsessing over the numbers every ten minutes. I promised… I may have had my fingers crossed...
The Lesson in All This
One thing my coach said really stuck with me: "This is part of the adventure. You wouldn’t believe how many times I’ve felt like quitting."
That hit me like a ton of bricks. She was right. This is an adventure. It’s messy, unpredictable, and full of speed bumps. But it’s also worth it.
Here’s what I’ve realized: it’s the time, effort, and perseverance that make the adventure worthwhile. If all you had to do was drop a link on your socials and watch money pour in without any effort, it would be an empty victory.
Achieving your goals isn’t about the goals themselves - it’s about growing into the person who is worthy of achieving them. That growth is what makes the success feel truly earned.
So, here’s my takeaway: I’m sticking with it. I’m going to push through the scary, dodgy bits and finally make this online dream a reality. If you’re struggling with similar issues, I want to encourage you to push through too.
We owe it to ourselves to show up, do the work, and earn the dream. Because let’s face it: those "zero to $10K a month in 90 days" promises are just smoke and mirrors. Building a sustainable online business takes time, effort, and perseverance.
Your Turn
So, what about you? Are you feeling stuck or struggling to stay motivated? Try a change of scenery. Find a quiet space - whether it’s a library, a café, or a corner of your home - and start crossing things off your to-do list. Start small: one or two hours at a time, and build up from there.

And if you do give it a go, let me know how it works for you. Shoot me an email or leave a comment below. I’d love to hear about your wins - big or small. Because trust me, even the small ones feel amazing.
Call to Action
You can start small by downloading my free ebook, Making Money Online – Avoiding the Pitfalls, packed with insights to help you avoid beginner mistakes and gain clarity. Get it here.
But if you’re ready to jump right in, why not grab a copy of The Iceberg Effect - a book written by my mentor that dives deep into affiliate marketing success strategies? I’ve arranged for you to get a copy for free - all you need to cover is the shipping. Claim your free copy here.
Let’s tackle this adventure together. You’ve got this - and I’m here to cheer you on every step of the way.

Hi Sean, before I go on, I want to wish you the best of healing after your surgery. I had a total Hip replacement a few years back and it’s the best hip I’ve ever had ha ha ha ha
I agree, changing things up is important to keep a fresh perspective. I also feel getting up every 30 to 45 minutes and moving around is golden. Believe it or not, I am within walking distance to the library. So far, I prefer staying at home because I have an old dog that needs my attention. I have a younger dog too. It would be great to take him with me, but I don’t think dogs are allowed in the library, but I digress.
Your lead ad sounds like an adventure. Keep at it. You will succeed. I am still working on mine and I do believe one of my free offerings is about to be withdrawn from Dean’s shop. I have to look into that next week
Again: Heal well and enjoy your success.
Thank you Kate. Surgery day is tomorrow, so I’m looking forward to that, but still a little nervous – even though I have had it done once and everything went smoothly, this is still only the second surgery I’ve ever had, so I’m a little apprehensive – but I am very much looking forward to being able to walk without crutches again – it’s been more than 5 years since the whole hip thing started deteriorating to the point where I got booted from my job and finished with me getting these two surgeries.
The lead ad adventure has definitely been a bit of a roller-coaster, but I’m feeling more confident about it now and looking forward to working out a few final touches and getting it going.
Good luck getting yours set up. I hope you have great results.
Hi Sean,
This was a great post! I love how honest and real you are about the ups and downs, it’s comforting to know I’m not the only one who feels stuck sometimes. Your small changes, like working at the library or a café, are great ideas I might try myself. Also, congrats on those leads! Progress is progress, and six leads are six steps forward.
Thank you for sharing your journey and reminding us that the adventure is all about growth. I’m definitely going to check out your ebook and keep pushing through my own challenges. Let’s keep going, you’re doing amazing!
Thank you Meredith.
I won’t be able to hit the library for a few weeks now – I can’t drive for up to 6 weeks after the hip surgery, but fortunately, my daughter helped me to set up some space at home, so I’ve still got a place to work.
I think that changing the way I looked at the “speed bumps” has really made a difference. Recognising that the hiccups are all a part of the adventure has definitely made a difference to how I feel when things don’t quite work as planned. That was probably the biggest nugget from the past couple of weeks, so I will be holding on to that now.
Thanks for reading my post – and good luck with your own progress moving forward.
Hi Sean! This is such a great post and timely for me. I have not dabbled in this online marketing and business as long as you have, and I can see that I could get hung up and become unmotivated. Your lessons have taught me so thank you! Also, I love that you changed your setting up a little bit as it helped you reset and recharge. I’m going to have to try that! Thanks for the tip. I enjoy following you and I look forward to watching your journey! Cheers to you, my friend!
Hi Ernie,
I’m so glad that you enjoyed my post. I did put a bit of work into it.
Getting out of the wrong environment and going somewhere else really did make a difference. Since I’ve just had hip replacement surgery (I’m typing this from my hospital bed right now), I won’t be able to get to the library or anywhere else for several weeks now, but I’ve got a space at home to work from for that period.
If I manage to maintain my momentum, then I’ll be happy with that, but I don’t know how I’ll go sitting for longer periods until I get home tomorrow.
I’ll let you know how I go.
Thanks Ernie.
Hi Sean, Your Will e Coyote analogy made me laugh. How I have wished that the Coyote catch the roadrunner 😂 For me, the Coyote was the good guy, just trying it’s best without never succeeding. Not unlike beginners like us looking for money online while getting fooled by those boasting their success.
Hi Martin,
Glad you got a laugh from my post mate. I do try to put a little humour into things where I can.
I have loved watching those cartoons ever since I was a kid sitting at my grandparent’s house every Saturday morning while the adults had breakfast and a chat.
Now I’m introuding them to my own grandchildren.
But probably the biggest lesson from the coyote is to never give up. The poor bugger falls off a dozen cliffs every week, and yet he keeps on trying. Something for me to take on board myself.
Thanks for reading Martin.